This is fantastic information. Thank you so much! I went to the pet store and tried some harnesses on Larks this evening and she just HATED it....
I was planning to get a back fastening one until she is fully grown. As far as training with the harness, I should still just stop as soon as she...
I thought we possibly were going to get away without needing a harness because Larks was doing SO well at not pulling. Then lo and behold 2 days...
Great! She is used to riding in the car as she commutes 30-50 minutes to work with me every day, and she usually just sleeps the whole time. I...
Larks (14 weeks) and I are taking a weekend trip this coming weekend and I'm looking for suggestions for taking a puppy in the car! It is about a...
Whew. This is reassuring. From reading other things it sounded like she should be sleeping through by now, so I'm glad it's fairly normal. We will...
Larks is still not sleeping through the night and it's starting to wear me out! She is 13 weeks old now. She eats dinner at 5/5:30 and has her...
On Larks first night at home I had a large plastic tub that she slept in. Then when she was whining during the night I could just reach my hand...
It's so reassuring to hear from other people. I know in my head that it will stop at some point but it's easy to forget when you have little teeth...
So there's light at the end of the tunnel?!
Just trying not to lose my mind while dealing with a crocopupp! I'm so tired of having holes in my sleeves and pant legs. I stop playing when she...
That makes sense! I will give it a try! Thank you.
My parents breed Labs and I got pick of the litter (of 10 pupps!) from them. I dont live close enough to be able to go see them before picking her...
Does she wake up to let you know she has to pee around 3:30? Larks used to do the same thing for me, until I set an alarm for 3:15 and took her...
I always make her wait for her own dinner. She doesn't bark while I do that and I do make her sit and wait to get her food. The barking is only...
Larks (13 weeks on Friday) is driving me mad with her barking every time I try to make/eat my dinner! I have never given her food while I am...
I won't place blame. Larks slept from 10 pm-6:30 am in the bigger crate with no accident so I think we are fine!
It sounds like I'll be just fine giving her the whole crate then! Yay!
Hehe, no they are not nipples! They look similar I guess but smaller and more sporadic. She did have some dirt stuck to her belly as well so it...
Thank you! She doesn't seem to even notice they are there so I will just check with the vet when we are there in a few days.