She is only in the crate to sleep at night and for short periods of time (15-30 minutes) 2-3 times per day. Otherwise the crate door is left open...
Curious when you all decided it was time to give your pupp's a little more room in their crates. Larks has only had 1 accident in her crate and...
Just today I noticed a few spots (maybe 5?) on Larks belly. They look like pimples. Is that normal? She isn't licking at them and is acting...
I have given her some pumpkin with her breakfast on the reccomendation of others on this forum, which seemed to help her a lot. Other then that no...
She gets her "zoomies" right before bed so we run around, play fetch, chase sticks ect for about a half hour. She'll pee about 3 times but no poo....
Her last meal is around 5pm.
We had one blissful week of Larks sleeping without potty breaks from 10 pm-6:30 am. Then a few nights ago she had an upset tummy and had to go out...
Larks has been eating at 7:30, 12, and 5-5:30 since we brought her home. She seems to be doing great on that schedule.
Anyone have any suggestions for good treat or food dispensing toys? Larks eats most of her meals out of them since if she doesn't she gobbles them...
When we first brought our puppy home I treated EVERY time she went out. She is 12 weeks and we are at almost 2 weeks accident free. She goes to...
She seems completely normal, energetic and playfull today so I'm sure she's fine. I haven't changed foods or increased the amount I'm giving her...
You were right! I'm from the US and canned pumpkin purée is pretty common.
First time puppy owner here. This is an odd question but, should I be worried that some of Larks poo's are sort of lose? She's had a stool sample...
Just had to share. I have been dilligentity crate traning Larks (12 weeks old now) since we picked her up 5 weeks ago and tonight for the very...
Oh! I'm going to add hand touch into my next training session! I forgot about that one. Thanks!
She is a REALLY fast learner so we are moving quicker then I thought we would, but I need to keep her brain busy so she stays out of trouble! I...
Larks is going to be 11 weeks old tomorrow and I'm just looking for some feedback on if we are doing ok with her training. She knows Come, Sit,...
My almost 11 week old puppy is doing great at potty training. She sleeps through the night without needing a potty break (9:30pm-6:30am) and runs...
My yellow lab puppy Larks is 9 weeks old. She is doing very well at potty training and crate training, knows sit, lay down, stay and come and is...