Re: 15 weeks today! Luckily I'm only working part time and its afternoons, and my partner is home at 3 each day, so she will only be left a...
Izzy is now 15 weeks, and it feels like we have had her forever! I feel we have come a long way with her, but still have a long way to go too....
Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed? In the past ive never had dogs on the bed, except when we used to go caravanning when they were younger,...
Re: Following me all around Izzy follows me all the time, and so does my old dog Archie, although he never used to, so maybes its the young and...
Re: 13 weeks old today- survived our first month :) Izzy still has accidents, and isn't that good at telling me when she wants to go, so your...
Re: Lumpy loves the water. Lumpy looks lovely! How old is he?
Re: Socialisation and positive reinforcement I'm more interested in the men in uniform.......?
Re: More toileting talk! I don't think she has another uti, just think she's had a lot of water and been quite hyper which always makes her want...
Re: Go. To. SLEEEEEEEEEP!!!! I had to have a chuckle reading this, not about the dogs but the crates and the stick etc! It's good you can still...
Re: More toileting talk! Thanks for all your input, today has been a bad day as she then proceeded to walk into her crate and wee on her own bed!...
Sorry to be back to talking toileting again! Izzy has started weeing on our other dogs bed! Why does she do this? I feel like we are going...
Re: Andrex puppy... Ive just noticed that Izzys nose has grown a bit longer, well her muzzle i mean. Must be the spaniel in her. And her legs are...
Re: Andrex puppy... Shes so cute! Glad you got a good nights sleep too! I finally got a job today and start friday, so need my sleep too! Luckily...
Even though Izzy isnt a purebred lab, she still thinks shes an andrex puppy! I stepped out of the shower this morning to find the toilet roll...
Re: Online wormer and flea treatments.... On instagram im wendywuwu68 but dont use it much. Feel free to add me on facebook.....wendy britton
Re: Online wormer and flea treatments.... On instagram im wendywuwu68, but i dont use it apart from a few pics of Izzy. Feel free to add me on...
Re: Online wormer and flea treatments.... Ive got some drontal plus but dont need them yet as vet gave her millibax a week ago when she had her...
Re: Online wormer and flea treatments.... Morning Claudia! Hope you and Bella are well this lovely morning? I use Animed Direct as i get...
Re: Walking Zombie, what happened last night?! Hi Claudia, I'm glad you had a better night. It's interesting hearing what everyone else does at...
My 13 year old lab suffers from athritis in his legs, predominantly his back ones. For a while now, every now and again he poos in the house. I...