Re: Bella not off the lead! Ive no idea why the 3rd jab, i thought they all had 3? Izzy is only 5.5 kgs, but she is crossed with a springer, so...
Re: Driving me mad! Thanks for the replies, i think im tired today so ive had little patience. Sometimes it feels like shes not improving on...
Re: Bella not off the lead! Just been to get Izzys 2nd jab and our vet said wait a week. She still has another jab in a fortnight....
I suppose i just want to let off steam and have a little moan....hope you dont mind? Izzy is driving me mad! Her biting is so bad, she hangs off...
Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR And to you Yvonne! Heres to a happy one!
Re: hello :) nice to meet you all. And hello from me and Izzy and Archie! You will find lots of help and support on here, i've learn't loads!
Re: Rawhide chews I gave Izzy a thin rawhide, she chewed on it for awhile, then left it so Archie got a 2nd one! My other dogs have always had...
Re: Pet Insurance?? Thanks Claudia, something on my to do list, did you ring them?
Is it too soon to give Izzy one of these?
Re: Time to let Bella off the lead!!!
Re: Toileting during socialising Hi Pawsie! You must be so excited, only 1 day to go! You will no doubt be posting a lot, just like the rest of...
Re: Time to let Bella off the lead!!! Yep they are my scruffs thankgoodness! I always seem to be wearing just one slipper! Shes fast asleep on my...
Re: Separation anxiety?? Izzy hates been on her own, she follows me everywhere, even if shes asleep, she knows if i get up and leave the room. If...
Re: Time to let Bella off the lead!!! Hi Claudia! You should see my hand and my jumper! Izzy is a terror!
Re: Time to let Bella off the lead!!! I feel we are living parallel lives cdm(what is your real name), as i bought a whistle today and have...
Re: 2 weeks to Louis comes home (photos) They melt your heart dont they! Gorgeous!
Re: Izzy to go to vets Been to the vets and she has an infection, so a shes on antibiotics for 5 days. Shes still a tiny terror though!
Izzy has developed a red vulva that looks quite sore, and she keeps weeing every 5 minutes. Im taking her to vets tomorrow but just wondered what...
Re: Bella, 2 weeks on!! Does she have mad half hours where she runs manically around, eating and biting everything that moves?
Re: Bella, 2 weeks on!! Shes lovely, and doing better at nights than Izzy! Im still up twice every night. She also has the separation anxiety, im...