[MEDIA] So my 7 year old Labrador mix and my 10 week old MYSTERY MUTT puppy had this epic battle tonight... The puppy is a messpot, luckily for...
I like Victor brand dog food. Also only found in feed stores. It can be found on Amazon, but costs more there.
My boy had sorta runny stools for a while too. He also was not gaining any weight despite eating a lot. He got a standard worker as protocol....
[MEDIA] Updated video of him... I think you are right. I believe there is Cocker Spaniel in him too. He truly does not have the disposition of...
My adult boy used to eat only Victor dog food. High Pro Plus. They have grain free recipes too. None of their foods are found on the list. From...
My previous dog wholly choked on a bit of rawhide. Had my brother not performed doggy heimlich, it likely would have killed him. I never fed them...
[MEDIA] First time on leash today. Not so great but expected for the first time. I want him to be comfortable on a leash so when I begin to...
Background info needed here, I suppose He is suspected to be stunted. Also I think he was either the runt or right above the runt. There were 6...
I did not say YOU had them declawed. I did not attack YOU for the procedures. I merely said that declawing cats is a bad thing to do (which you...
My cats have always put puppies in their place quickly. My cats also have their claws, which plays a HUGE part in this. One clawed swipe from an...
Thanks a ton. So you have to use a photo hosting site. Gotcha. I wonder if a video would work better. Here's one taken today. He is about 7 weeks....
Hello... I ended up with a tiny puppy who had no where else to go. I suspect he's a Labrador mix based on my previous knowledge of them (had them...