Re: Running and funny hip I'd be interested to know how you get onx
Re: Running and funny hip Bailey is still mmmmmm ungainly ! But at vet check all was well Always ask vet if worried , what is about labrador...
An elderly neighbour told me that bailey was overtired last week, as he kept removing himself from being petted! As in everytime he went to a...
Re: how to train a puppy NOT to sit on the sofa Maybe avoid sofa room for a while if you can? Then start again? I don't have a stair...
Re: Kibble feeders That's exactly what my vet said! I was concerned bailey was long and lanky and thin! But the advantage if buying my pet food...
Re: Posting a photo: method 1 Bah
Re: Exercise My vet said only 15 mins walk but could do more than once a day of up to it for 3 month pup x
Re: Kibble feeders I was very impressed by my vet, when she said , you feed the dog within your budget, after telling me that beta was at the...
Re: Serious help needed please! I'd be happy to help if you live near me x
Re: Puppy Classes (why do we need to go?) Our classes are outside which helps space wise I think, though Bailey more bouncy there than at home, !...
Re: Pup Not Sleeping Through I have no answer but lots of sympathy, bailey goes 11-6.30 , but I do run round the garden prior to bed! But I think...
Re: A Sad Far!!! I have nothing to offer ref advice, but I am mightily impressed with your family x
Re: Crate or Not. Ok it's only been 4 weeks, and despite my grandads disgust (he used to train gun dogs) We all LOVE the crate, Bailey takes...
Re: After eating dinner Walking is good or bad Goodness another new piece of information! Thanks x
Re: Back at the school gates sigh! He is an absolute delight, sitting , waiting, no biting(yet) Handsome, funny , but a puppy! Non the less...
I'll admit it I'm pooped! Met some new puppy owners this week! 12 weeks like bailey ( I can say it here none as handsome) But Bailey is the...
Re: Squirting diarrhoea followed by loose stool in morning! Help Bouncy perky eager and that's just me! I just know I'm gonna luv it here,...
Re: Puppy Supplies My friend had given me bitter apple taste detergent spray for dogs And it's marvellous! No chewing kitchen chairs or radiator...
Re: Squirting diarrhoea followed by loose stool in morning! Help Perky and back on form! That's me and bailey esp as slept 12-7 hurrah
Re: Squirting diarrhoea followed by loose stool in morning! Help Vet says something he ate! Gave me something to settle his tummy and now of...