Oh that boy. :inlove:
Your mum's evil ....... Ging would never wash me with a hose pipe with cold water even if I did roll in a dead sheep, oh apparently she would:eek:...
I went to the vets for my yearly check up and its official I am buff.the bum lady was so nice i swooned a bit and ging had to stop me from falling...
I'm so sorry this is terrible there is something very wrong when an animal is treated like this. You have done everything you can xxx
We have a little fluffy guest. She's upstairs at the moment. She's very cute elderly and has some serious health problems but she is an absolute...
We went for our walk it rained so hard ging had to change her pants when we got home. He he he I said pants he he.
N NO trust you gut always. We make excuses and try to polite but if a person makes your alarms bells go off trust it. I'm very sensitive living...
Yeah! :inlove:
It been another weird walk a man got scared and though his food at Rory? And a teenager/young man walked up to me and started to chant something...
Oh I'm in trouble I scared a man on the park and he threw his dinner at me? I only walked up to him and he squeaked and chucked a bowl of food at...
Im so sorry, that's terrible news. Hugs to you both. Xxx
Best wishes for a good outcome xxx
He's a labrador forget all the stuff you've learned with other breeds they will do anything to get to food. All my food is kept in lockable...
At one point I had 3 dogs and 2 cats of a buzzy fluttery thing got in my house it was certain death. It was just a stampede of furry bodies...
Happy Birthday Penny xx
Oh please but who would be the doctor? And who would be the assistant? Oh on the telly I though you were going to do an episode of your own with...
So sorry this has happened to you and Finn. Hurting a dog who's owner has entrusted you to help them is wrong and very unprofessional. I would...
Under the plate make it big you can see something:)