Hi and welcome to the forum! I have no personal experience of having a pup with an older dog, but I think it is important to give them both their...
We need a video please :D
Aw sounds sweet! No smiler here - Mira just does the whole body wiggle when one of us comes home. Sometimes she can hardly walk for wiggling :D
Hi Lucy and Lucy's mama, from Mira and me in Scotland. Sounds like Lucy is settling in happily with her new family. Photos please :)
Well done pups! Hope you get caught up on sleep tonight :)
She is a gorgeous wee thing! Good luck with your visitors as well as tackling the neighbours :)
Oh my goodness! Glad he is Ok apart from the stiffness. These dogs do know how to put us through the wringer!
Sounds hopeful - hope it works out for lovely Dougal
Fantastic! We were just talking about the fact we haven't been camping since we've had Mira and wondered how she would take to it. I suggested...
Aaaargh cuteness overload! They are gorgeous - great names too :D
Oh Casper that is a bit mean. You are only having to share your Hoomans with Dougal for a little while until he finds his own :D
Hope you're ok Bud? Not seen you sniffing around here for a while...
Hi Paula and welcome! Poor Flynn has not had the best start in life, but it sounds like he has landed on all 4 paws now :) Hope he settles well...
What a horrible experience for you both. I hope the police take notice.
Ah what a lovely boy and a great name! I hope he finds the right home soon (maybe yours? ;))
Aw Maui is so sweet - gorgeous little face you just want to snuggle!
There seems to a problem with the forum today - I have not been able to view anything until now and yours is the only post I can see. I don't...
Glad it hasn't given him a fear of water. It may take longer for yours to go! :eek:
Just received the kit from the GODogs project to get a DNA sample form Mira. After a spate of parcels this week which all contained things for...
Poor thing :( Could you maybe suggest joining them for a walk and casually start a conversation off by talking about how hard you work to keep...