Re: Off his food He did have a LOT of treats and those two eggs, all on top of his normal food allwowance, but I'd have thought he'd have...
Monty has a raw diet. It is a preprepared one by Natures Menu. He loves it. Yesterday, along with his normal three meals, he had two chicken eggs...
Re: New additions to the household Cool, thanks :)
Re: New additions to the household Cool, thanks. I'll see if. Can pick up something from my local farm suppliers before ordering online.
Re: New additions to the household Right that's one (Praziquantel) I had read about. But then I read one article that says Flubenvet works...
Re: New additions to the household Hello. Someone here was breeding chicks, but I can't remember who. Any ideas? I have a (don't highlight if...
Re: Kim Fret not Kimmie beautiful girl, you can chase "wabbits" and "B.A.double-ell" (you never dared say the word!) with my Border Collies,...
Re: Blue tits Won't bore you with the picture, but we have egg number two now. I actually caught her laying it on (video) camera too.
Re: The car-crate is just soooo comfortable...?? Well it is tough being a puppy.
Re: Bite Inhibition You are not alone! It's an ongoing battle! Squeeling just hypes Monty up even more. He has ruined loads of clothes! You have...
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball The try not to worry so much about it. You will love whatever puppy you choose. What is...
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball ha, I thought you were saying this was the mother at first! The mum looks lovely and gentle.
Re: update pics of my puppy shes becoming a fur ball What does the mother look like? The breeder says she's pure Lab but now it sounds like she's...
Re: The car-crate is just soooo comfortable...?? haha classic!
Re: The car-crate is just soooo comfortable...?? Definitely too comfy!! Just popped out with Monts to meet my wife in the park for lunch. It's...
Re: Blue tits My wife bought mine from :)
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! Well Monty is 4.5 months he will only rarely sit nicely with us in the living room. He needs to be very tired.
Re: Are we at 'that age'?! I can't think of any downside of crating, and a dog lounging around sitting quietly is certainly nothing to do with...
Re: At The End Of Our Tether I have had HUGE progress in the last two days with Monty (4.5 months) and our three cats (12yrs, and 2x 3yrs). A...
Re: Blue tits Interesting, thanks. The last couple of days have gone from busy busy nest building to... well, nothing. She does not visit the...