Re: Blue tits Yeah I read it was one a day, like you say, and between 8-14 (but up to 16 sometimes). When she's done laying she will, I read,...
Re: Blue tits Well this was Tracy the Bluetit late last night, around 10pm. She was busy fussing and wouldn't settle. She hadn't been to the nest...
Re: Newbie Hello to you and Cassie. I get the impression UTIs are pretty common in young doggies so I wouldn't worry too much. I know Monty had...
Re: Hello from Myles and I Aw what a cutie! And hooray for floppy ears!! ;)
Re: Monty's Training Log Yeah, I'll stick to that advice in the future I think. Thanks.
Re: Monty's Training Log Well I suppose it's to be expected. Forward three steps, back two. It's been tough this morning. I'm struggling with a...
Re: Monty's Training Log Yes, a good teacher. I like that. He just needs guiding to what is expected and acceptable.
Re: Blue tits Big day today. One week after it all started, I just checked it (9pm) and there is a bird sleeping in the box. That's the first...
Re: Monty's Training Log To get down with what all the kids are saying... OMG! Seriously. O. M. G. We're still on,y day two. My post above was...
Re: Monty's Training Log Well I don't know what's happened to him, but he's a changed man!! Earlier this morning we were turfed out by the...
Re: Monty's Training Log Absolutely, and I totally see that. That was my number one apprehension going into this. I've seen "tutorial" videos...
Someone suggested I keep a record of our training and I thought it would be helpful for me to get all my notes down on virtual paper. I might also...
Re: 9 week old pup bored of his food? I was told off by the vet for gradually introducing the raw with the kibble. But I think that is specific...
Re: 9 week old pup bored of his food? We had the same issue. Monty would eat but really really eat. He never seemed to enjoy it much. We stuck...
Re: Hello from a newbie Oh bless, she looks like a little toy!
Re: night time At least he's not trying to bury the slippers with you still wearing them. Glass half full.. ;)
Re: Training locations (other dogs) Well we actually had a bit of impromptu proofing earlier. The neighbours kids were playing football and the...
Re: Sit Whistle Pippa has a good YouTube video on this although it is from heel. I do it this way as well as my own blow, sit command and...
Re: night time More reasonable feeding times would be 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm. That way she poos before bed. You don't want/need to be feeding her...
Re: night time Normal protocol seems to be: * take up water 1hr before bed * no food 3hr before bed Might need to be a bit careful with the no...