Re: New additions to the household Haha we desperately want ducks! Yes! And geese! We were discussing that today actually. Oh and some pigs and...
Re: New additions to the household My wife said I had to post this for a laugh... :-[
Re: Happy Birthday Murffi Is it his superhero costume?
Re: Happy Birthday Murffi Absolutely stunning. Although he does look quite different without his mop!
Re: New additions to the household You called? [IMG]
Re: New additions to the household Yeah they're separated. Clarabelle's already had a bloody head after about 5 mins - Tilly's obviously a bit...
Re: New additions to the household Yup, Buff Orpingtons. We have two Welsummers, and that's Clarabelle lurking :) she's not sure what to make of...
Meet Izzie and Tilly (Isabelle & Matilda) [IMG]
Re: Blue tits I had to get up at 4.30am to go to work today and was in no fit state to set the camera. So no action from today, but this is the...
Re: Alternative to rawhide? At the moment, the Millie Wolfheart fish chews are proving to be very yummy. They do stink however. But our poos are...
Re: Alternative to rawhide? It was the smartbone that gave Monty the most terrible upset tummy. I threw the rest away.
Re: Blue tits I did a bit of reading and it sounds like it's only females who build the nests. So in the second video, when there are two, it's...
Re: Alternative to rawhide? The Fishy sticks and Tripe sticks arrived today and are a HUGE success! However, you failed to mention one...
Re: Blue tits So here is the first contact! And here are two, females I think, arguing over the box! One brings...
Re: Blue tits Its a deal! (Ps, we have three cats and our neighbours also have three! The farmer has about eleventysixbillion random farm cats...
Re: Blue tits Saying that, we did also go round to the farmer next door over the weekend to see his British Blue cows that are calfing! Stunning...
So my wife bought me a nesting box with a wifi camera for Christmas! I was supposed to set it up early Feb for the birdies to check it out and...
Re: Sardines in the baby-pouch - thank you! Here you go...
Re: Alternative to rawhide? Urgh, good lord, they look RANK!! Therefore MUST be tasty! Thanks, I'll give them a go!
Re: Sardines in the baby-pouch - thank you! They were off Amazon and someone kindly linked to them here. Only about £2, but we're called an...