Thank you to those of you who recommended the mushed up, tinned sardines and the baby feeding pouches. Holy moly! Monty will do ANYTHING for a...
Re: Essex contingent? Oh, I wouldn't want them to feel intimidated by us.... ;)
Monty loves a rawhide and it really does a wonderful job of calming him down and keeping him focussed instead of chewing our arms! I've read a...
Re: Essex contingent? Cool, thanks. I'm not on facebook, but they do have a normal website which I've found. Sounds pretty good, thanks.
Re: Thinking Rue has a UTI. Monty's cleared in about two days (or less even) but we had to keep the antibiotics going for the full 10 days. Just...
Re: 8 month old lab advice! Monty wouldn't eat much kibble and I was worried he wasn't eating enough. We switched to a raw diet (we were going to...
Re: Tactics for proofing stop whistle That's SO good. I'm going to show Monty so he knows what to do! And I think you'll find those aren't just...
Re: Stairs She'll be more than capable of climbing them, it's preventing it that's the problem! Much like jumping up on the sofa! I believe the...
Today is a sad, sad day. Monty has outgrown his puppy crate :( Now that he is fully house trained, does it matter if we get a significantly...
Re: Non-book (DVD) recommendation Thank you, I'll do that.
Re: Non-book (DVD) recommendation She's giving me it tonight :) Good thing I mentioned it to her as it was already in my Amazon basket. I just...
Re: Non-book (DVD) recommendation Mentioned it to my wife and she's already bought me the complete set for my birthday in a few weeks! What a...
Re: Yay! Ear licks! Noooooo, he's going to stay little forever! :(
Re: Yay! Ear licks! I can only wish! If I bend down to tie my shoelaces, Monty tries to pierce my ears! >:(
Re: Non-book (DVD) recommendation Thanks, I'll have a look.
Re: Non-book (DVD) recommendation Sorry that wasn't clear. Yes please :)
I know, sorry, I'm not looking for a book! The only time I have to read books is commuting to London which I haven't been doing since Monts...
Re: Great off terrible on it. We are in exactly the same boat and have started just what sunsetpines suggested. It's VERY frustrating!...
Re: Books galore!! Interesting, thanks.
Re: Books galore!! do tell...