2 successful days of administering a gel rather than drops. He looks so much better. So happy!
Thanks Angela, Most certainly going to try and work on this after this episode, kicking myself I didnt try when he was small. Really makes it hard...
Thanks for all the messages everyone. Things have gotten a little worse. Infection has spread to the back of his eye not managed any drops and it...
This poor dog. Has got conjunctivitis. The third time he has had to have eyedrops and the word struggle doesnt cut it. She said no creams will...
I am August 20th Rolo is August 1st.... I share with my Grandma..youd think it meant people coulsnt forget my birthday..well they do!
So. with our newly renovated garden, Rolo has taken to picking up little chunks of slate which we have down the side of a border, not very much...
It appears to be a bite!!! I searched and searched his skin last night! But the vet found a spot he mustve been licking and biting overnight!...
Hi everyone Rolo seems back to normal today. We are seeing the vet this morning. He perked up last night which was good as the emergency vet was...
Th Than you i really hope not. Did you press any parts of him when it happened?? And if so did he show any signs of distress
Ive pressed everything on his body, spine, legs, hips and he doesnt cry when im pressing anything at all. Even pressed his muscles, checked all...
We have just been playing ball with Rolo in the garden, after a few throws and runs he suddenly cried and was going for his back end. I panicked...
@JenBainbridge :cwl::cwl::cwl:
I was sat thinking yesterday, about all the stuff we post on here about. My dog bites, my dog pulls, my dog jumps up.... And i think we fail to...
[MEDIA] When your allowed in the garden for the first time in 2 months....:ram::tail:
I must add to this thread, like everyone else to just reinforce that you are not the only one. Rolo is now 10 months old. He is so much calmer,...
Its just nice to have support and total focus off a trainer for that hour. I need to really instill a focus on me as we went back the group and he...
So today was the first session I had with a 1-2-1 trainer. Its the lady who teaches the class I went too. It went well, we went right back to...
Its okay, ive got it in hand. Ill let you know when I go on holiday though. As Im sure he will still need some comfort!
The story is heartwarming and hearrtbreaking at the same time!
https://www.buzzfeed.com/kimberleydadds/tom-hardys-beloved-dog-woody-has-passed-away-and-hes-left?utm_term=.xln05nZ42#.odMEAp4wy Well if you want...