Vet appointment is tomorrow guys the vet asked me to send some images this morning and once I did just said not emergency but bring him in it may...
Mum keeps talking to me saying I might be meeting my reallife sister soon.. she says were so alike. Silly and daft by the sounds of it... Whats a...
:cake::drink::star: Happy Birthday to you xxx
I know its a few days old, but would you like to share your sculpture, or is it personal? Im glad it brings you some comfort xx
We have fair weather walkers here. I have done so much training over winter in the park. Now I cant really go as much without the fear of having...
Oh Karen, Merlin is stunning. I can see why you are besotted. xx
Rolo isnt much of a napper, it really irritates me. But lately, ive started sittin in the kitchen with him (I think the lounge is too hot) and...
Thanks everyone Vet call first thing in the morning. I hope nothinf too serious he HATES HATES anything near his eyes.
Just wondering does anyones have a dog that produces a fair bit of sleep? His eyes seem fine but every morning theres a fair bit of sleep from...
Good luck Rosie & Pongo! Ill be checking this regularly. Im on this journey myself with rolo who is 9 months and 33kg....He may well walk(or lunge...
Happy Birthday Lilly what a gorgeous girl :heart:
Im going through the same!
@leejane Are you and @JenBainbridge adamant on making me cry :cwl::cwl::headbang:
Jealous is an understatement
I feel like Rolo never naps, still. He wont settle in the living room after numerous attempts he gets wild, ive tried putting himoutside the door...
Mum said im being annoying lately, she thinks im being a teenager.
I got LAMBBB everyone, no chockie eggs but LAMB it was the most tasty delishius thing ive eaten. I even recalled away from a dalmation who wanted...
I find it astonishing that rolo can distibguish between me and OH getting up of a morning by footsteps. He knows OH wont let him out before a...
Hey Kelley, just wanted to say welcome, and good luck! You will find all the help and support you need to make it work here. Well done for...
Sorry I have nothing to contribute, but I hope you are sorted by the vets and Bailey is okay.. Sending love and hugs x