Ok let me retract that pleased comment. Dropped him at daycare today an 10 mins later i gets a text "Hi hun, has Rolo ever peed on your sofa?...
Does it have front and back connection points xx
We now have a leg cocker! At 8 months old OH was very pleased! :clap:
That colour looks sooo good on her! Does it have a front fastening ring? Also considering one!
Fab thank you!! Do you know the size? Does it make a square or do you just have it acting like a fence
Mags this is fab Were getting our whole front and back done soon and the lawn will be OFF limits to rolo. Is this just one or the metal play pens?...
@Naya Thanks for the info! I have early onset rheumatoid arthritis, and it mainly effects my upper arms, so the pulling at the current level...
Took Rolo on our usual woods walk last night, a big burly guy with his wife had 3 dogs, a lurcher, a staff possibly pitbull cross and a yorkie. I...
Thanks Debz which technique did you opt for? Did you train the off lead heal first or just the loose walking Thank you
Welcome to the forum, whilst I am not a single owner, you will find from some of our other threads, that many of us wish we were, it can enable...
Perfect, Thanks! I am getting a bit mixed up from the originlal reply, is the perfect fit what you would use in this scenario, or if not, which...
@snowbunny Hope you dont mind me asking 2378 questions, as undoubtedly I will. So ive decided to train heel as opposed to going to loose lead...
@JulieT Thanks Julie, I am going to keep a diary for myself and Ive just had a eureka moment, the carpark at my work is the perfect place to do...
@JenBainbridge Thanks A lot Jen! Things are getting back to normal now! My Dad had a heart attack (hes fine now, Stents are a wonderful...
@snowbunny Thanks Fiona, its just what I needed! in depth advice and a reminder to give myself and Rolo a break! :* He is only generally on lead...
so.... Its time to bite the bullet and do some proper, formal, loose lead training, which ive been putting off for months and also dipped my toe...
Mine has arrived, and I must admit - If I had read this book before I may not have gotten a dog, So im glad it came out afterward otherwise we...
My mum has been keeping me off the compooter said we are too busy at the moment, I miss you all... ive just stole her ipad and wrote this.. dont...
I just wanted to say I am so so sorry for your loss my heart broke reading your post. I dont have any idea on the vaccinations or causes but I...
Hey all sorry ive not been around so much I have had a lot going on! Anyway when rolo was ill those weeks back he would eat grass and th row it...