Re: Louis eating the house esp when I am not at home - what to do? Agree. Impossible to be focused on something and be on chew alert at the same...
Louis is 5,5 months now and is generally a fantastic dog. From puppyhood he liked to bite stuff and now with change of teath its not getting easy....
Was out walking, training and playing with Louis last evening in a park. He found a baby wipe, picked it up before I could say "off", sprinted...
Our trainer gave us homework: teach Louis to go on a box. Sort of completed now but he is still relying on my body language...
Re: Heel walking - how to extend time/make Louis continue in heel position? So what you are saying is that I should only treat once and that...
Re: Heel walking - how to extend time/make Louis continue in heel position? He gets distracted by everything. Birds other people smells etc...
With click and treat every 10 seconds Louis can walk at my heel for 30-60 seconds but when distracted he leaves the heel position :( How to make...
We have Louis 5 months old chocolate lab and he is amazing. Can't really describe it My girl friend and I have decided to get a second one but...
Re: Sit-stay and down-stay -- Louis not responding to release cue A video Improvement suggestions very welcome
Re: Sit-stay and down-stay -- Louis not responding to release cue Now it works :) He responded to the (new) release cue with me several times...
Re: Sit-stay and down-stay -- Louis not responding to release cue Yeah, seems like I have to choose a new verbal cue. He did start to respond to...
Re: Sit-stay and down-stay -- Louis not responding to release cue Awesome, very useful. How many repetitions should I expect it to take before...
Re: Louis' training log Louis was 4 months old yesterday and thought it is time to provide an update. The last 2 months with Louis has been...
Re: Sit-stay and down-stay -- Louis not responding to release cue Thanks a lot. So what you are saying is: -- ask him to sit and C&T basic treat...
Re: Sit-stay and down-stay -- Louis not responding to release cue Thanks, I also thought about doing that but I am also training him in not...
I am training stay with Louis. Starting with duration and making the stay implicit in the sit, ie. sit means sit and stay there until I release...
Louis is approaching 7 weeks with me and is Almost 4 months of age. I love the little guy, he is amazing Working well: - basic stuff like sit...
Feels so good to have slept through. Woke up as usual at 2 am to take louis out to potty but he was sleeping so tight so I decided to give it a...
Re: Let puppy louis unattentive or get his attention when outside? Sort of what I'm doing but think I can make it even more exciting and awesome...
Inside the home louis is attentive most of the time and it's easy to train Outside he often get self occupied with sniffing to grass, looking at...