Louis has been with us for 3 weeks now and is one week away from his 3 months birthday. When he came he was very happy with his food because he...
Re: Early stages of recall good but not when distracted - normal? Next steps? Is harness better than collar? If yes which harness would you...
Re: Early stages of recall good but not when distracted - normal? Next steps? Very useful, thanks a lot.
Louis is now approaching 3 months and is a wonderful dog. Given the importance of a reliable recall, we have been training this pretty much daily...
Re: Does your puppy sleep in your bed? That looks like Louis last night. First 30 minutes he was sleeping like that along side my pillow ;D He...
Louis started to spend 2-3 hours in our bed at night...we gave in...curious to know what bed sharing situation is at other homes :-)
Re: Louis' training log Wanted to share an update on how Louis´ training is going and some key learnings that hopefully other could benefit from...
Re: A few photos from the week of Louis I'm from Denmark but live in chile. Louis is from Argentina casi porteño, he is from close to Pilar
The baby is growing each day. He was 5 kgs 2 weeks ago, Monday he was 7 kgs probably 8 by now. Training log here:...
Re: Louis' training log Thanks a lot for this advice. I think I need to reward "accidental" good behaviour a lot more and also, try to be calmer...
Re: Louis' training log Awesome, started this with treats and will eventually do it with other objects of interest (plenty to choose from...
Re: First journey home... I think this is highly variable depending on the dog. My best advice would be to have some nice treats ready and make...
Re: Louis' training log A quick recap of the week and a look ahead on the week to come. This week: First and foremost, Louis so amazing --...
Louis is pretty okay with wearing colar and leash around the house when playing sleeping hanging out eating trainimg etc Next step is to practice...
Re: Teach stay - with stay & release cue or just release cue? Thanks a lot. Will go with option 1 which will be 3 cues in total 1. Sit or down...
Trying to figure out what of the following is the best: 1. Teach stay with stay cue, i.e. tell the dog to stay until he gets a release cue? 2....
Re: Louis' training log recap of first week Has been amazing, Louis has completely changed my life for the better The first week has brought...
Re: Louis' training log Intro to Louis Louis is a 9,5 weeks old chocolate male puppy. Some pictures: [IMG] [IMG] We live alone in a 120 m2...
Re: 2 questions: How much do/did your puppy sleep? How well did he listen/respond Thanks a lot Julie. So what you are saying is that accept...
I have what I believe to be the smartest and cutest lab puppy in the world. Louis 10 weeks chocolate. I am sure most puppy parents feel that way...