Re: Vocal marker or clicker? He has just rounded 8 weeks, another 1 week to go. Cannot wait, have waited for him since he was like 3 weeks....
Re: Shook up! Considering he had a good piece of lamb, it was probably difficult to do much about. Hope all is better now
Re: Reward-based training -- which sort of corrections do you apply? That makes a lot of sense. It sounds like slow progression and setting the...
Re: Reward-based training -- which sort of corrections do you apply? No hunting plans but will check it out - nice with some inspiration. If a...
Re: Vocal marker or clicker? Thanks for responding. So did you 'load' the vocal marker like I supposed you loaded the clicker early on or did...
Re: Reward-based training -- which sort of corrections do you apply? Thanks a lot. I had thought I would have t be 98% positive and 2%...
Re: Shook up! Arggg can only imagine what an awful experience it was for all of you. Including Rolo probably. Hope you will get better soon. It...
Getting a puppy in 7 days and have bought into the marker training concept and have bought a couple of clickers (I am sure I will loose them along...
So, I am getting my puppy in 7 days and I am overly excited to say the least. I want to make sure he will have a fantastic live so the plan is to...
Re: 2 weeks to Louis comes home (photos) :) Thanks Maybe our labs have their own forum called "thelabradorownerforum" where they discuss how...
Re: 2 weeks to Louis comes home (photos) Yeah, it seems like a play hard attitude dog :) But that is the kind of dog I was looking for.
It is summer in the Southern Hemisphere. Louis was on the pool deck, breeder inside the pool. Louis decides to jump in, 7 weeks old. Pure lab...
2 weeks until my lovely Louis chocloate lab puppy is coming home :D Of course I want to give him the best life possible. What are your 3 keeps...
Re: Multiple locations for house training - and anyone not crating? How do you make the transition to grass and a real outdoor area? My concern...
Re: Multiple locations for house training - and anyone not crating? The garden I have is more like a patio. There is no grass. I think I will do...
Re: Socializing puppy before all vacinations are done I am in Chile. Spoke to the breeder who is also a vet and she says he should have his last...
I want to socialize my dog significantly from 8-14 weeks but his vacines will not be done until 16 weeks. How would you go about socializing him?...
Re: Multiple locations for house training - and anyone not crating? Thanks for all the advice. Follow up question regarding house training: So...
My new son aka 8 year old lab (name yet tbd) will be arriving home in some 4-6 weeks. Looking very much forward to the big day, the first weeks...