I know what you mean. Lincoln being a little rascal. He loves to steal anything he sink his teeth into.:devil:
Wow that's awesome. I bet she's a beauty.
Welcome. I'm no expert on breeding so I have no advice on that subject but just from the pictures I think they beautiful dogs. They look like...
I'm no expert dog trainer but I would say just let her be. If she feels safe and secure there that's a good thing. When she's in there just sit...
Just as a precaution I would suggest calling your Vet.
Thanks for the "Likes" :clap:
I think it's totally possible and it sounds like you're doing great. I've never had two pup at the same time but I do have three dogs. Although...
Lincoln is 7 months old @ 36 pounds and 21 inches at the shoulder.
[IMG] Lincoln is 7 months old . He is a fabulous dog . He is so mellow and sweet. He loves all people and dogs . He is happy all the time. He is...
Welcome and Congratulations...
No I can't see the photos either.
I'm sorry your pup is not feeling well. I suggest the first thing you do is contact the breeder. If you signed a contract there's most likely...
I much prefer the Nail dremel/grinder for my dogs and so do they. The vet tech used to fight them to sit still for nail cutting. Now I go to...
You're welcome. Good luck. I hope you can resolve the issue.
I know it's a bit confusing. Just go by your pup. As long as the poops are solid and pup is gaining weight it should be fine. You can always...
Since you're on good terms with the neighbor maybe you talk to him. Just explain the situation about the barking and if he would have an issue...
Welcome and Congratulations. What is your dog's name? She sounds like a sweet pup. As far as teaching her "Sit" you should start from scratch....