It doesn't take much to spook a dog. Maybe something you're not even aware of scared him in the living room. Try putting the living room crate in...
Same here. Our Shih Tzu is doing better . When the bag of RX is nearly gone I'm going to gradually switch to her regular Pro Plan.
We are going through this with our Shih Tzu. The Vet examined her and determined no blockage but she did have a fever. We were prescribed the...
Thank you so much. Will give it a try.
Our Lincoln is Black with a bit of white on his chest... [IMG]
Lincoln is 6 months old @ 35 pounds.. [IMG]
Lincoln is 6 months old . He is such a smart boy too. He is 100% potty trained . He walks loose lead very well . He does very well in public. He...
Welcome and Congratulations...
Hello and welcome. Our 6 month old pup had perfect flat ears when we got him at 9 weeks but when he started teething one ear folded in half.. I'm...
Thank you. Yes pretty much. It's a fairly big overstuffed recliner. Lincoln normally curls up in one corner.
Welcome and Congratulations on your new puppy. Willow sounds like a sweet pup. Have you considered crate training? It helps a lot with potty...
@Michael A Brooks When my husband moves Lincoln aside so he can sit in the chair with him Lincoln growls. He does not do this with me though....