Yes, a Newfoundland and a Malamute. They were the bestest friends, sweethearts together, both intact.
Good questions, 1. Not at all stubborn, just wants to please. Easy to train as food motivated and intelligent. 2. Excercise intermittent. Lots...
I agree with @Michael A Brooks you need evaluation from an experienced postive behaviourist to help you out. Did your dog have a good early...
My dog swims most days, pond, river, tarn, reservoir. She is 7 and never had a problem, we have never touched her ears. Is your pool chemically...
Having two pups is a massive challenge, but can be done if you have time to dedicate to them. There are quite a few old threads on here about it,...
I would be inclined to listen to my vet and not anyone else. If he is healthy and happy, ignore them.
I traded stuff for treats with Meg at that age and supervised her like a hawk, so opportunities were limited. Trading worked well and like your...
It settles about 16 ish weeks when their teeth fall out. Meg was a crocodile but it soon faded. I distracted her, endless cardboard boxes chomped....
Sounds like great progress. The thing is with parenthood, particularly those early days you just have to go with the flow, as it’s a totally new...
Firstly, congratulations on your pregnancy. Very exciting. It’s really hard to predict how your dog will be at that age and balancing him with...
Just my view, she is not a 4 legged devil, just a normal pup. However, you are not the first to acknowledge the time for a puppy in your life at...
Is it the light mornings, birds tweeting ! When they are you they young they are so much more sensitive to seasonal changes. They get more...
That’s a shame, I hardly ever have Meg on a lead. Her recall is really robust. A year of obedience classes helped and she has a fabulous time...
Could you get to a positive obedience class. That’s how I managed to secure Megs recall. Training around distractions is so beneficial.
I would ring and ask your vet. They know best about what level of cover you have and the risks of disease in your locality.
Hello, this is such a difficult situation and you rightly are seeking a second opinion. I hope your consultation today brings some clarity to...
Hi, I am sorry your dog is struggling, I don’t have any experience but if you pop TPLO in the search bar at the top, lots of old threads come up....
I had a Newfoundland with it, he had the op twice. First time I think they were very conservative, but second time was fine. Quick recovery and no...
Hello, this is an interesting topic as you will get a million different answers. Also, to some extent it’s a bit of trial and error as to what...
Gosh what a heartbreaking story. The poor pup, and the owners must all be in shock. I don’t think it’s typical behaviour at all, but probably not...