Hi, 16 weeks seems late. It’s about 12 weeks here in the U.K. it’s a careful balance of missing that important socialisation window and risks of...
Hi, it is frustrating but it will pass. Labs are known to be little crocopups. Have a read of this helpful thread from Pippa...
Hello and welcome. I think they get very chewy at this age. I think its the end stage of their tooth development. Meg chewed hard at this age,...
Hello, no, that is not at all typical for a dog. They don't pass urine whilst sitting. I would have a chat with your vet to exclude an infection...
At 7 months he should be pretty reliable and should rarely have an accident. He should not do that daily, which suggests he never grasped it in...
Hi, I dont know much about this but in all my years of browsing Labrador adverts, it has not been mentioned. Its an interesting discussion though....
In reality labs are sociable animals and 8 hours is too long to leave him alone. He is probably bored and lonely, which is why he is destructive....
Gorgeous, shiny coat . :inlove:
Hi Meg is 7 and she is wet daily either river, reservoir or mostly pond. She has never had a bath, and has a lovely coat. She has haf the...
I am no expert, but from what I have read it is not particularly linked to hunger. Increasing food won’t stop it. Have a search for old threads on...
Hi, I think you need to be patient. It takes a long time for a dog to settle in and trust his new family. I don’t know if you know much about his...
Great progress, well done. Rainy days are no different for us. We carry on in all weathers, just put more layers on. Just about to walk Meg in...
Hello, 10 till 6 at that age is amazing. He is doing brilliantly. However at 6, he is ready to start his day and ready for food. He is most...
Should have added in my reply to your other post, my lab hardly sheds. I think they are all different, depends on climate too.
Hello and welcome, I can’t comment on poodles but I have a lab and had twin boys age 6 when I got her. She is now 7 and I would say from about 18...
Hello, it’s really hard with senior dogs to know what to do for the best. I suspect that she has no appetite or even feels a bit nauseous which is...
Great to hear all is going well. Must be such a relief. It's hard looking at the adorable pictures, getting broody !
I think unless you have a dog registered with the Kennel Club, it’s hard to be sure. The DNA tests seem pretty reliable, try a search on here as a...
Hi, I have had 3 bitches and none of them really changed that much. This behaviour might not be related, just coincidence. 8 months is a tricky,...
I don’t know much about this, so not super helpful, but I think if he was an albino he could not have black paws, as with an albino all pigment is...