Hollie had her first swimming adventure at the weeken, she was knee deep for ages not knowing what to do even when the ducks came to investigate....
Re: Does it get better ? Anything frozen will help, carrots, ice cubes or kongs for us
So hollie is 15.5kg and skinners say to feed 375-450g for 5-6 month old weighing between 15-20kg. How much would you feed your pups? And how...
Re: Maybe JulieT has it right.. I'm defo with juliet. Sounds yuck :-)
Re: labels We always joke that is what santa is bringing her. That or coke bottles!!
Re: Training success Well done all of you, always a great feeling when you crack something :-)
Re: Inhaled a wing Hollie has always been fine with chicken bones, pheasant was a different story and passed a huge undigested bone, I'm now a...
Hollie has a fascination with labels, its the soft labels that tell you how to wash things!!! Its the only thing she chews and will hunt them...
Re: Noisy Sleeper Wow she is gorgeous, Hollie snores, suckles, dreams very loudly but isn't a groaner and her pumps are silent so no noise...
Re: Does it get better ? Hello and welcome All I can add is yes it gets better, hollie is 22 weeks and still sometimes forgets herself and...
Re: Puppy stealing items Thanks Rachael will try that x
Re: Puppy stealing items Hollie has never been fed from the counter but takes the opportunity to eat anything she can reach, we are trying to...
Re: Titre test We also need them for insurance but surely a report to confirm immunity will do????? Just wondering as I don't take my kids every...
Hi all, hope you are having a fun filled day. Has anybody used this test to check immunity to the things we vaccinate against every year? I've...
Re: Chicken wings as a treat? :) We have started to give the wings frozen as they last longer! :)
Re: Introducing Shadow! What a beauty, both of them, I'm very jealous ;)
Re: We're home with a bundle of puppies!!! Can't wait to see them :-)
Re: Rolo update Glad he is getting sorted and you can start to really enjoy him without the worry. Hollie is also on both, advocate monthly and...
Re: Chicken wings as a treat? :) Absolutely! Hollie now has a leg with thigh or 2-3 wings for at least 3-4 meals a week, she loves them :-) I...
Re: We're home with a bundle of puppies!!! Sounds absolutely wonderful, enjoy them and can't wait for the photos :)