Re: Chicken wings Thanks for the replies She has slept most of the evening so must be content. Think I was worried as 2 wings don't seem a lot,...
Re: Puppy Proof Bin Not a bin problem with us but a door problem. .....she can open them!!!! Time to turn the handles upside down :-)
Re: Chicken wings Thanks for the replies, I've given her 2 and hope it doesn't starve her :( She is going to be fed skinners and the odd meal...
Re: tormenting the dog :( It's not always young kids who aren't the best with pups, mine are 14 & 11 and if I've told them once I've told them a...
Hiya all Was after some advice on chicken wings 1) skin on or off 2) how many for 5 month old 3) should I still give a little bit of kibble???...
So Hollie met 2 dogs that haven't been socialised or trained very well (different times) and they really frightened her >:( one pinned her to the...
Re: Willow meets some animals Great photo's
Re: Brotherly puppy snuggles Right I have 2 choices here 1) stop looking at the adorable jack and barney together Or 2) get Hollie a friend
Re: Bouncer's First Bath Great minds and all that, Hollie had her first bath yesterday and looked very much like bouncer
Re: Good morning!! Your mornings sound wonderful, I on the other hand was up at 6 ready for my 13 hour shift in critical care :'( I'm not...