That's very good. Our last two Labs whimpered all night on the first night and took a couple of days to settle down.
It sounds as if you've got off to a great start. Did you stay with her on the first night or leave her on her own?
Very sensible. We did the same.
Holly likes a splash or a swim all year round. Like you, we're concerned about her getting too cold so we have a couple of rules: 1. We stay away...
Roll in some mud or cow poo so she has to wash it. Keep on doing it until she gets fed up with it.
Holly eats poo from fox, deer, sheep, wild boar, rabbit, horse, cattle and some animals that we haven't identified yet. We discourage it as much...
My peeple are cruel. They didnt give me any breakfast becoz I did lots of poops overnight. They say it was becoz I ran off on my walk and ate a...
Holly was an early riser as a puppy, but as she got older she became a bit less insistent in the mornings. We adopted a similar strategy to Naya,...
Poor Penny. Paw injuries can be a real nuisance. I hope she's back on her feet soon.
Its not very polite at all. Maybe they cant drool. Poor things.
We have an artificial tree on the floor. Holly ignores it, but gets very interested in sniffing the presents around the bottom of the tree....
Why dont peeple drool for food like I drool for theirs. Its one of lifes misteries.
For some reason Holly was in a muddy mood today. She zoomied through muddy puddles, stood in them, drank them, lay down in them, skidded in them,...
Well done Red!
Wonderful storytelling. That is the Pongo we all know and love!
Happy buff day Rory.
Pubs are great. There's so much to do I'm always zorsted afterwards. My favourite pub game is very slowly crawling along to the next table. Mum...
Welcome from Holly and me in Monmouth.
I thought I'd update this. The Brit has just been awarded 'Best Pub in the Lake District' by the readers of Trail magazine. Having sampled many...
In the Lake District they're called 'Fells'. I believe its from the Viking word fjell which means mountain. It's my home turf.