Hi Mark, welcome to the forum - exciting times ahead for you! I recommend getting a copy of our founder Pippa's 'Happy Puppy Handbook' if you...
I can see from your posts how far you and Monty have come - you are doing an amazing job for him. ❤️
I hear you about the cans being a nuisance! It might be worth discussing other alternative GI foods with the vet, if nothing comes up on allergy...
You're very welcome! It's horrid to think you might have been misled, I know - but honestly if she's healthy and well, I would try not to worry....
Part two! You asked for some thoughts on ways to stimulate him at home. This is great question! But the key thing here is that no matter how...
Hi, Thanks for coming back to me with all this info. I know it's so hard when you need to work - but it does sound like he's a bit...
Hi there. Is it feasible for her to just stay on the GI food that works for her? Or perhaps to try a mix of that and the Origen if the price of...
Hi there, this sounds really stressful for you. It sounds like he's maybe partly over excited and partly attention seeking? I wonder if building...
Hi Kelly. It sounds like you're checking in with her vet regularly and listening to their advice - so you really are doing the right things. She...
Hi Donna. This is super early days for a pup in a new home, so I wouldn't worry about the shyness. Your husband can help by feeding him tasty...
Sorry this is so hard for you :(. Is it an option perhaps to temporarily fence off a much smaller area of the yard for her, so she can't get up...