Hi Shane. Congratuations on your new arrival! Instead of the collar, you might like to try teaching her to wear a harness - our founder, Pippa,...
Hi Mark. This sounds really difficult for you - everyone deserves to feel safe in their home and around their dogs. It's really important not to...
I agree with Edp - don't worry about what the packet says, just take a look at your dog, and adjust what you're doing accordingly. Some dogs need...
Happy to help! :)
Hi Steve, has your pup had a vet check since this started? And can you talk us though what his typical day looks like - that will help us spot any...
Hi. A retractable lead feels like a good compromise, doesn't it. But unfortunately we don't recommend ever using a retractable leash. They're...
Thanks for sharing an update with us ❤️. It's good to hear that he sounds more relaxed, and that you got some help from PDSA. Looking after an old...
This will be down to quite a few different factors! America's standard 'cup' size is slightly smaller than a British cup.... and indeed in the UK...
You're very welcome :) Now is a great time to start working on redirecting that mouthing habit to toys, instead of people :)
I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. Has your vet given you any more information since you posted here? I agree with J.D and Edp - I...
Sorry to hear Roxy's had a cracked tooth - but what a great job getting her used to the toothbrush - well done!
Oh poor pup - that's hard for her - and for you! It's good to hear she's coping well - I hope you're getting some breaks from keeping her...
LOL! This series (links to each part lower down this page)...
This is an interesting point! The advantages and disadvantages of using a clicker to end a behavior with duration are really worthy of a whole...
Hi Michael - thanks for sharing your thoughts. Perhaps it would be clearer to say operant conditioning is the process by which they learn to...
It sounds like he's had a tough time of it. Do keep talking to your vet, and ask as many questions as you need to. If keeping Jake comfy is your...
Hi Amber. I would start with a vet check, as this is a new problem for him - we want to rule out any physical causes first of all :) Once that's...
It sounds like you're off to a great start with the loose leash training. The trick is just to only increase distances at the rate she's ready...
Hi there. Sorry to hear your pup is getting sore skin. Have you asked your vet about allergy testing? If they don't offer this themselves, they...
Hi Maz, I'm sorry your pup is struggling - that sounds a huge worry for you. Lets see if we can shed some light on those KC figures for you, and...