Hi Debbi. It can be really sad seeing your dog's personality change around strangers, can't it :(. Has she been with you long? I wonder if a bit...
Hi there. I'm sorry to hear you're worried about the thickness of your boy's coat. Going forward the best thing you can do for good coat health...
Hi everyone, I just want to share the links to some of Pippa's newest training articles. These ones live over on our sister site, Dogsnet.com -...
They do take up some space!
Love these gentle giants! ❤️
Hi Rich and family - welcome! :)
We asked our Facebook friends this question - let's see how similar/different the answers in this group are! What's YOUR favourite breed, other...
Hi there. Our dogs love to find new ways to challenge us, don't they! In the short term I would manage this by wearing a sturdy rucksack, lined...
Hi there. There is a puppy weight chart, compiled by surveying our members a few years ago, that you might find interesting, here:...
Hi there. Congratulations on your new pup! Acme officially suggest the 211.5 for Labs as it carries a little further. However, if you plan to keep...
Have visitors she doesn't know stand at a distance she feels comfy with, and (when she's calm) throw her bits of kibble! Over time you can bring...
I'm sorry to hear you're having to deal with this. It sounds really stressful for you. Biting is a phase that usually settles - but it does sound...
I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling. New puppies are SUCH hard work. It really will get easier! By this age we would hope you'd be getting a...
Sorry to hear your pup's been unwell. Fingers crossed for a swift and full recovery for them. Would love to hear what you think of the Alphas...
Interesting question! I wonder if partly what the vet is noticing is a difference between working lines and show lines. In the UK at least, there...
I'm so sorry for your loss. What a shocking and awful experience for you. It sounds like you've been incredibly brave and made a really difficult...
Hi Tanya. In addition to Sarah's great advice, I wonder if your pup may be struggling partly *because* she's held it so long during the day. Is...
Please don't apologise! You are doing really well - this is a steep learning curve! It sounds like she's a bit nervous of some people, so I'd work...
Hi there. A big dog that won't stop leaping on people can be so embarrassing, can't it! But you're not alone - this is really common. Take a look...
There are some summaries of the evidence for Librela here and here. It looks like it may be helpful for some dogs, but there's a need for more...