Hi what makes you say this? How old is he? When was the last time you had him weighed? Does he eat ok?
Thank you I think this is what Mason 1 has started doing!
True but I’m not sure why he has started barking so much
Hi what is alert barking?
Sorry didn’t read the thread properly Bless him that’s great to hear
Fantastic news, well done you! Maybe you could advise me on things
Hello and welcome from myself and Mason 1 choc lab. You will just know, they sort of choose you and it depends how many are left when you go and...
Thank you everyone. Just not sure why he has started barking when people are outside and continues to do so. Guess it’s nice to know that someone...
Hi could someone suggest how to help us help our 13 month old male Mason to not bark as much when strangers come to the door. Would a command and...
Welcome from myself and Mason 13months Chocolate lab
Welcome to you all from myself and Mason chocolate lab 13 months. Your right it does turn your life upside down but then when you come out the...
It’s such a shame all your hard work has been undone just a bit by someone else. You sound like a great person/owner and doing everything right....
Hi from myself and Mason a chocolate lab aged 13 months
Hi I’m very sorry this has happened to you both, how horrible, scary and wrong. The other dog has issues. Your dog is still so young and is...
Hi Jade, how exciting and dare I say a bit apprehensive. We have a chocolate lab who is 1 and we visited a couple of times. The beeeder said they...
Hi there,
Hi great that you took her to the vet. Nice to be reassured. I guess they can get bored Mason now 1 got bored and he went on longer and I too...
Hello and welcome from myself and Mason 1 yr chocolate Labrador What advice are you looking for
Hi there, doesn’t seem that long ago I put Mason now 1 in a large crate with a divider but didn’t end up using the divider as I put his bed and...
I knew that feeling twice over but it does get better you are doing your best and that’s great.