I know, my goodness it was! He is and he can also ignore me when he sees another person/dog! I practice many times a day works him and I on our...
Hi you can post when you want too I’m sure. I’m not sure, I know slugs aren’t good for dogs. It’s just something that Wilson is interested in. We...
Mason and I went into back paddock minding on our own business and Mason looks under fence spots a tractor on the field and off he ran! I called...
Hi, yes he does and I can start putting him in there or I could just pop him in the kitchen thank you. I will read up these aswell thank you
Hi we have a 1 year old male who whenever someone comes to the door he gets very excited and wants to greet them. My young son 13 generally holds...
Hi thank you for this post, I think you know what feels right for you all I’m sure you will make the situation comfortable
Hi from myself and Mason choc lab who is 12 months. Bless him, off lead, we have similar troubles but maybe you could do mixture of off/on lead...
Hi we had similar problems, I would wait until he was ready or silly me would carry him home! A friend suggested waiting few minutes then carry...
Hi we too had similar issues and I was getting worried but he was still active which was a relief. He Mason went from eating to not eating till...
Hi there sorry can’t answer your questions but we know Labradors are special to us. Suppose some are calm and some aren’t could be down to the...
Hi from Emma and Mason (also chocolate Labrador 11 months) vent away this forum should help I hope. We are all thinking after you guys
Hi and welcome from Emma and Mason the chocolate Labrador
Re: how much does your puppy weigh? Mason nearly a year chunky chocolate Labrador weighs 31.3kg and he is gorgeous
Your puppy is so cute. I too have a chocolate Labrador
Hi we have a chunky chocolate Labrador nearly a yr and he too has quite a few white hairs in patches seems a bit strange when he is so young
Hello, and well done Luna. Well done to you for waiting not easy I know. Have the neighbours complained? She might well do for a short while but...
Hi and welcome, from myself and Mason chocolate Labrador puppy well nearly 1 I don’t see much wrong I think it’s very sweet and maybe when she...
It will keep going it does get better. Emma with 11month chocolate lab Mason
Your welcome not sure how much I can help I just know it’s nice to have have someone to chat with and be reassured. It has been very hot you are...
Hi and welcome, sounds like you are doing great. Puppies do tend to wake early it doesn’t last. Just feels like it! Once more exercise can be...