MaccieD Thanks tried her squeaky toy today small enough to have in my pocket :) she stopped once on way to get bus into village but few...
Interesting reading rather enjoyed reading these, Will do Ziva after she 6 months
Poor Ginger hope he gets on ok after Vet's visit Marie & Ziva
BeataK That's a brilliant idea :) cheers Wasn't to bad this morning she lay down but after several minuets she just got up and proceeded...
Ziva weighed in this morning 11.7k and was 26 weeks yesterday
AnnaBanana Thank you If neighbours are out or come out either front or back door yes she gets up and wants to move towards them with the...
She was 4 months yesterday Have tried to just wait and let her go in her own time but its becoming pain in bum . :)
Afternoon Labrador friends Ziva over last couple weeks has decided when we go out front door or back door she just goes into a sit which is...
Glad to hear Ellie ok :) hope it will continue and she will not be scared of other dogs
Dexter Living in country has its bonuses :) Snowbunny Thank you
Poor Ellie Is she ok ? Thank goodness for your other dog Barney coming to protect his little sister give her big hugs from Marie & Ziva
Sorry to hear brother- in- law's passing Great to hear Juno had a fab time :) Marie & Ziva
Thanks all means a lot been hard work and I'm sure the hard work and disobedience from her will continue lol lol but I am soo so happy with...
Thank you .
Afternoon Labrador Friends :) Just wanted to share Ziva will be 4 months this Sunday went to friends house this morning to do more proper Recall...
CDM Hi our house is covered in sharwoods chilli powder and Ziva hates it makes her sneeze when she go near :)
Well Ziva had her wet and dry kibble with little pieces of liver this morning in her puppy kong she had it for 40 min :) :) :) Lunchtime made...
She would love knotted towel infact I just filled freezer with her kong for morning ,facecloths in knots. rubber ring , filled ice cube tray so...
MaccieD Thank you :)
Boogie Did you stuff the hollow bone with wet kibble then freeze it ?? Marie & Ziva