Welcome to the forum! It's so hard waiting those last few days, isn't it!
Hi Dawn, Welcome to the forum! There is no need to change brands if you are otherwise happy with James Wellbeloved. You can try just cutting...
A very warm welcome back to the forum!
Hi Dom, welcome to the forum. So sorry to hear your dog has a sore eye. If I were you i'd go back to the vet, let them know that there have been...
That sounds really tough, but you are doing a very kind thing for your son and hopefully he really appreciates your efforts :(
Happy Birthday, Dexter! Although not the best start to the day, and that must have been extremely stressful for you! You are doing a great job...
Very warm welcome to the forum to you and Ruby!
It sounds like you are off to a great start in general, well done! But as Michael has said, socialization is about meeting lots more than just...
A very warm welcome to the forum!
Hi Amanda, sorry to hear you are having to deal with this, it's always a tricky one :( Feeding outdoors and informally as you've described is...
Hi Joan, Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new puppy. Here's a guide to crate training that will hopefully help you -...
Hi there, I'd definitely chat with your vet about this one as they will know whether that is a normal result of the drug or whether it's...
Hi Jennifer, Welcome to the forum! If you take a look at our puppy weight thread you'll see what forum members' puppies weighed at this age....
So sorry to hear that your puppy has a limp! I don't have any experience with this, but hopefully the xray will shed some light. In the meantime,...
Hi Maisie, Welcome to the forum. You might find this article helpful too:...
My understanding was that puppy parties were for very young puppies to be socialized, but I might have got that wrong :) My concern is that...
It's a controversial one! There is evidence that they can break teeth, but some owners think their dogs love them enough that it's worth the risk....
Hi Diana, and hi to Reynolds! A very warm welcome to the forum :) That is one adorable pup :)
Coming from England this isn't a situation we have to contend with, unfortunately! I'd personally always err on the side of caution and go for...
Hi Phoenix, Welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear that your dog has been having digestive trouble. You can find information on sensitive stomach...