Thank you - we are doing quite well, but we do have out moments, it helps that George is always with us and is rock solid on recall so will bring...
Hello from me Henry and George from the east coast of England. Love the look of your new boy - had a brindled lab cross in the 1970's (showing my...
So very sad to hear your news
sorry should read 'than' me - also should explain that my children were attempting a slight joke about the friends in an effort to cheer us all...
I know what you mean about being asked about the other one's whereabouts - even the coastguards came out of the watchtower to ask me what had...
Hello from me, George (grey muzzle and thanks to Henry getting greyer by the day) and Henry .
So I have been up since half four again as Henry is continuing his hole in the hall wall escape tunnel, my poor next door neighbour must think...
Dear Lauren, I am so very sorry - we were bereaved in a similar way last year when our darling William died. The one thing that made it a bit...
He looks fab - what a handsome boy with an excellent name - greetings from me, George and Henry
I was so very moved by your post - thinking of you, love from Lynne, George and Henry
I totally know how you feel - and was so grateful to you for admitting that you wanted to cry as I've felt the same way myself. I've already...
Hi everyone, I have been posting/seeking advice and support for a few months now but haven't properly said hello. We live in Norfolk (England)...
I am so glad to read all of these posts - I thought we were going great guns at pup classes then last week was a disaster. Henry is the biggest...
thank you love the cool look of Dexter too
I know exactly how you feel. Over the years my labs have eaten a succession of scary stuff - 1st prize still held by George who ate a whole...
Hi I keep getting the message that the file is too big for the server is there any way you could help with this please? I've looked at all the...
Just an update on Henry's progress - we are having a great time and he really enjoying the beach outings. I am not pushing my luck and we are...
Have just returned from the beach with Henry and George- my fear was just the potential damage to his legs if he was zooming about - he will...
Henry is now nearly 7 months old and the breeder told me to keep him on the lead until he is one. I know about being careful of his joints and I...
thanks everyone - I made a no go area in the corner of the living room and put a very grateful George (senior lab) in it. It worked Henry (new...