With our previous lab we used to throw the ball up the stairs (but NOT down) to wear her out when the weather didn't permit us to play outside....
Yeah, not the first option I'd say. Leave sweeping through the mouth as a last resort if the pup loses consciousness. Thrusting the abdomen is...
Yes, we tend to block out the stress of puppyhood when, while it can be intense and frustrating, that time is relatively short compared to the...
Not sure where I should put this but this seems the best fit. Perhaps we could rename this forum "Labrador Health & Safety". We had a terrible...
Not sure whether this should go under Puppies, or Training, or Behavior but I'll start here. Our 4 month old was taught to go outside to do her...
My 4 mo old pup has a wrinkly forehead. Whose dog had a wrinkly forehead as a puppy? Did s/he keep them when grown or lose them? I think they're...
I wasn't thinking just hot or cold. But I remember when we first got our puppy, her pads felt as soft as a baby's face. They were softer than my...
Young puppy feet are still very soft and tender. Maybe the surface you walk on is uncomfortable on her feet. Perhaps some booties would help until...
I have found putting her on her lead helps. I don't even have to pull her at all. Just clipping the lead on and saying "Let's go!" seems to give...
Because you can TALK to a human child and tell them peeing on the floor is not acceptable. How is a puppy supposed to know a behavior is not...
We got her in Oct. It was a long 2.5 months between losing Hannah and waiting to pick up Aimee. A house with no dog is an empty, lonely place. :(
I know the positive reinforcement is the ideal way to train but sometimes simply rewarding the good behavior and ignoring the bad doesn't get the...
Yes, our bedrooms and her crates are upstairs. Door to the potty area is downstairs. She really does need to be able to go up and down stairs.
top=topic in my previous post (stinks you can't edit after 5 minutes) I'll add that ours is almost 19 weeks now and she just started being quiet...
My reply here starts out sounding like a different top but just read it through. There's a video in a Sticky thread about letting your puppy off...
Our 4 month old runs up and down the stairs in our house with no fear or hesitation 80% of the time. But other times she just freezes at the top...
Dogs learn to relax at home because it's all familiar and comfortable. When they go some place they don't see everyday it's all fresh and exciting...
We were lucky to have this wonderful girl, Hannah, for almost 14 years. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge this past August. She had a number of...
I'll add that my in-laws had the same feeling when they got their puppy a year ago. They spent the first month seriously considering giving her...
I had guilty moments of regret for the first month we (hubby and I) had this puppy. She is more "challenging", shall we say, than our previous...