Well done Rosemary, that's a brilliant mark. Hope you've had chance to celebrate before its head down and onto the next assignment....
Hi, I'm glad the surgery went well and you are getting advice and support from others that have been through this with their dogs. Wishing you boy...
Gorgeous :heart:
Mine has a radio and cassette player :cwl:
My dad gave me his car when he was no longer able to drive. I'm very lucky, as he didn't drive far so although old the mileage is low on it.
Hi, I'm reading 'The Culture Clash' and late last night got to a bit about barking etc when seeing other dogs, people etc. It said to get treating...
I have an Astra estate, 03 so quite old but has a flat tailgate that's not very high.
So cute, it's exciting getting our puppies out and about.
Right, I've got it now but unfortunately have no experience of mine barking on walks or at the postman so I'm not much help to you. Dexter has...
Definitely jeans, I didn't use tight sleeves but a fleece jacket so those sharp teeth got that and less of my skin. Oh and it was summer so I did...
That is such a cute photo. I'm also not one for dressing dogs up but Bear does look adorable. :)
I used a back fastening harness but then moved on to the Happy at Heel side fastening harness, best thing I ever did was stop using the back...
Hi and welcome from me and Dexter 11 month old bundle, well if a lanky legged lab can be a bundle, of fun. :)
Mind you, living that far off the beaten track, I'd quite like my dog to bark and let me know someone is coming. I don't mind Dexter barking if...
Hi, have you tried clicking and treating him as soon as someone appears and before he has a chance to bark. You could set up scenarios with family...
We pick up as we go and put in nappy sacs if in the garden, these all go in an open top bag and then put in rubbish bin on day of collection. No...
Good to hear Quinn's been fine today.
Glad it seems to be sorted but sorry to hear Quinn has an upset tummy. Hope she's soon back to her usual self.
Great advice given already, I used to get people to ignore Dexter or go back out of the room. Oh and stop the visitors speaking, the hardest part...