Hi Claire, sorry I don't have any advice to give but I loved reading your post and you are doing brilliantly with Mabel. I had a toddler running...
@charlie, I think Julie does give Charlie a food reward from the looks of one of the videos.
I can't view it either but I suppose you can reward with whatever you like. Search dogs get their reward toy of choice so I'd probably do a ball...
Thanks Helen, I'll take a look and see if I can find out for you. :D
I use the hunt whistle for Dexter to search for his ball in a particular area, I'd never put the link to what scent or scents must be on his ball...
Did you let him sniff it first Helen or does he get the idea from the first find? I know Dexter would love this as 'find it' is one of his...
I do take my phone on our walks in case of an emergency.
Hi and welcome from me and Dexter. Axel looks gorgeous and love his name. :inlove:
Happy to hear the test results were OK, big relief :doug:
So cute :heart:
No justice whatsoever :rofl:
Massive leap for Charlie, well done lovely boy :tail: and your human did well too:penguin:
Lovely photos and happy half birthday to Mole who is gorgeous :doug:
I'm sure Bailey will grow up to be just as lovely and crazy as Dexter. My profile picture was taken when Dexter was about 11-12 weeks old, he's...
That must have been a bit of a heart stopping moment Helen :eek: Why do people chat away on their phones whilst walking their dogs? I can't...
From what I learned at the positive gundog conference recently, if you are teaching the dog/puppy to walk to heel, think of the position you...
I can certainly relate to the wanting to get out of my own skin when I've had an allergic reaction to something. It may be a combination of many...
OUCH :facepalm:
I don't know about Dexter but I think I have this gene or it mutated the last couple of days. I keep feeling starving :(
I remember that thread :eek: