Lovely to read your update Helen, you and Hattie working your magic. I'll see you at Hogwarts :D
I can watch both even when logged out of the forum and Flickr. Can you see them now? :computerrage:
Can you see either of them now? I can watch both even if I'm logged off of the forum and Flickr. :computerrage:
Hi, my name is Dexter and I am 10 and half months old and came to live with my two humans when I was 8 weeks old, they are now my mum and my mate....
Oh no, I always have some problem with flickr :( it is set to public but I'll go back and check. I'll try sharing it again. [img]IMG_1545 by...
Sorry @MaccieD it took ages to upload onto flickr. Enjoy, Dexter playing his version of football with his Pops :clap: [img]IMG_1545 by Donna, on...
I did the same as didn't want Dexter on the furniture either. Only remember lifting him off twice whilst saying off and he's never tried to get on...
Good to hear that Casper has ventured out for a sniff an walk in the paddock and is continuing to do well. I hope all goes well with his vet check. :D
I'll make some notes as I think about this whilst doing some much needed dusting, that will make the dusting more fun.
One thing is to keep table tops and counters free of everything possible so that self rewarding is not possible.
Hi, I use 'off' from getting off of things or if jumping up or counter surfing etc and 'down' for laying down. Use food from daily kibble...
Dexter says he's a work in progress as a male pin-up but he's happy to be a toy-boy :chuckle::*