Lottie often has stomach upsets as she has a very sensitive stomach :(. I use slippery elm when she has a problem - a couple of links below:...
I use frozen kongs a lot with Lottie as they take her soooooo much longer to eat than if she has her food in a bowl. My mother thinks this is the...
Thanks for your replies. @drjs@5 I don't think the muzzle fits brilliantly but it fitted better than the others I tried in the pet shop. There...
* Warning: moan alert! * The recent poo poll (Lottie was a definite yes) has triggered me to ask if anyone has any advice for coping with a poo...
Re: Eaten part of a plastic sandwich bag Lottie ate a small plastic sandwich bag once (I think it had a few treats in the bottom). It came out a...
Re: At the end of my tether... That's what I want to do (recall, coming back, staying close etc) but with the poo-eating, I have to follow...
Re: At the end of my tether... Thanks. Interesting articles on using muzzles. I think I will have to try one to save Lottie's stomach and my sanity!
Re: At the end of my tether... Thanks for your help everyone. I'm interested that you think a muzzle is the way to go, as I thought that would be...
Re: Eaten a sock! Lottie has eaten two socks (as far as I know!). The first was a small trainer sock which she brought up after a couple of days....
I think I could cope with a dog with a sensitive stomach OR a dog who eats other dogs' poo, but the combination is doing my head in! Lottie (8...
Re: My dog is eating poo You definitely aren't the only one with a poo-eating dog! Lottie spends a lot of time searching out 'delicious' (her...
I'm sure this is a problem that most people have (or have had) so I wondered what other people usually do. If I see a dog a long way off (like...
Re: Indestructible toys required! Thanks for all suggestions. Love the lobster! It's not always true that the more you pay, the better the toy....
Re: Eclipse question Oh my goodness – went for a walk during the eclipse and this is what happened! Before... [img] After... [img]
Re: Eclipse question If I go for a walk during the eclipse, I'll let you know if there's any change in Lottie afterwards ;)
This may be a silly question ... but is it okay for dogs to be outside when the partial solar eclipse happens in the UK tomorrow? We keep getting...
Now that Lottie has her adult teeth (she's 7 months), I have to throw away a toy almost daily as she chews them to the point where she could...
Re: Update on Sams diet . Thanks for the info, Naya. I hadn't heard of Bob and Lush dog food – it sounds interesting. Are you going completely...
Re: Update on Sams diet . Thanks Kate. Lottie had some in-crate explosions overnight :( which were very stressful for us all and meant we stopped...
Re: Update on Sams diet . Hi Kate I'm interested to hear about Sam's diet as it sounds like Lottie has similar issues. She kept having runny poo...