It gets easier to see this behaviour for what it is - over the top, inappropriate play- as things start to get better. It really isn't meant as...
Your trainer sounds like they haven't kept up with modern training methods at all. Ideas about 'Alphas' and dominance have been completely...
I haven't heard of Fromm. I agree with JD, you don't need special diet food just work out how many calories you're currently feeding and feed a...
Choke chains don't work to reduce pulling. Harnesses with a front clip (eg perfect fit) do in my experience. Mine now walks very well on a...
Mine can't stand being bathed- think it would be a good idea getting them used to it when they're puppies. He swims in the river a lot and smells...
I believe the advice is to wait 3 - 4 months after heat before spaying or they can go into a chronic false pregnancy.
Sounds like a great idea. My take on it is that if anyone suggested the only way you could feed yourself or your kids was to buy processed pellets...
You can calculate the calories in the kibble you are currently using and in whatever you want to switch to using this calculator:...
I think you can learn a lot from books and people with experience but you also have to hold on to your values and trust your gut instinct too. I...
Also at 13 months he's not really a puppy any more. Well past teething at least. Have you just rehomed him? He might be quite unsettled for a...
Mine just sleeps when I leave him on his own. We built up slowly, he's never alone for more than 6 hours and he's always well exercised before...
Maybe she's self regulating (unlikely for a lab)? Maybe she doesn't like chicken? Not a problem I've had myself with my greedy beast but I'm in...
The idea that kibble is digested differently is and shouldn't be fed alongside raw is a myth. All food - bone, offal, veg - digests differently...
Lots of die hard raw feeders are convinced that you shouldn't mix raw and processed food. I can't see any evidence for it myself, however, I do...
Prong collars are considered more acceptable in the US than here in the UK. They're aren't illegal here (yet) but they are rare and most people...
My last dog was a year old when I got her and had no training, even toilet training, beyond what they had managed to teach her in the rescue. My...
Not puppy specific (my dog was 6 months old when I got him) but I liked 'How to train like a pro' by Jean Donaldson and Pippa Mattinson' s...
I don't have any recommendations either, my dog hated the car harness to the point that he refused to get in the car and would bite my hand if I...
I think it sounds lovely and you should enjoy it while it lasts. There's a thread in the behaviour section of this forum on how to teach your...
Do you have a front clip harness to help with the pulling? Or even a head harness? I've never used one myself but a few people I know swear by...