The concept of trigger stacking was new to me but was so important to getting through Loki s awful bitey adolescence. For him car travel was a...
I think you could make this a fun game so your dog just wants to keep coming back to keep playing. Something like Tornado or Mighty Middle from...
This is what we have on his raised bed: We used to use it in his...
Love positive stories! Our first trip away with Loki was a mixed bag. He was only one and we were still working through his biting and issues with...
Loki loses his living room privileges if he tries to get on the sofa and gets taken back to his bed in the kitchen. The message took a long time...
I know you say you've tried fleece but have you given Vetbed a go? It is literally the only thing Loki doesn't destroy. I recommend a raised bed...
Sardines in olive oil a better choice due to high levels of polyunsaturated fats in sunflower oil. Make sure your dog has enough vitamin E too...
Harnesses are a difficult one for me. I would definitely prefer to use one as it reduces pulling and is better for his neck but there's no doubt...
My dog has ribs, spines and carcasses and has done since he was about 7 months old. I very rarely give knuckle bones cos I worry he will break... Interesting post here about routines.
I don't have that problem. The software does seem to be full of issues though. I find it virtually impossible to correct typos or change things as...
Great news! I hope he likes it. Another brand to try is the new Paleo Plus range from Paleo ridge. It's a true complete, meets FEDIAF...
Hooper's is great, I highly recommend it if you can find a class. It's a low impact fun sport suitable for all dogs as there's no jumping.
Well last time someone was on here asking advice about lab puppies and apartments I said it was a bad idea but they went ahead anyway and seem to...
I'm with @5labs on avoiding a very strict routine - I don't have a choice as I work shifts including nights and my partner sometimes works from...
Lots to read here:
It's a complicated subject that's for sure, and anyone who says otherwise (on either side of the debate) hasn't done enough research. I kept my...
Definitely play biting, definitely inappropriate and needs addressing but I don't think the motivation is dominance. This article spells it out...
Cooked or frozen salmon is fine from a parasites point of viewu. I personally avoid feeding a lot of big fish as they accumulate heavy metals....
This sounds so much like my dog at that age. It was awful, he did slowly grow out of it.