I'm going to get into trouble for saying this on here (everyone seems to be big crate fans) but maybe read Dogs Hate Crates by Ray Lincoln. I'm...
Great that neutering hasn't had a negative effect and sorry if I added to your guilt in any way. Sounds like you've done everything right - I wish...
I went through a phase of thinking I needed a playmate for my dog and I'm so glad I didn't get one. It would have just given me more problems -...
I only have one dog who at 7 months was horrendous for nipping and biting humans. I think some dogs are just more bitey than others. I followed...
I'm certainly not a dog behaviour expert but he sounds nervous to me and neutering would more than likely make that worse. Neutering my dog made...
I didn't get my dog til he was older so have no first hand experience to offer I'm afraid. There are some really helpful and busy Facebook groups...
We have a goughnut stick. It's certainly indestructible but Loki just isn't interested in it. It's ok for playing fetch but we prefer the starmark...
Sounds like a nightmtare situation. I raw feed so my dog has a lot of bones as part of his diet and have never had a problem with bowels and...
I've just bought a pet teezer brush which seems to be more effective than the zoom groom but I can only use it briefly (until the peanut butter...
Loki hates being groomed. I don't find the Kong zoom groom very good and it tends to get used as a chew toy while I stroke him with those black...
I'm no expert but id say straight away, as long as you're using positive reward based methods. Absolute dogs have some good puppy games:...
Sounds just like mine at that age (except mine would bite for attention and I certainly couldn't have trusted him with children). We got him aged...
I'm sure I read a thread on here that said that puppies were reasonably protected after their first shot. I might have got that wrong though and...
We use the kitchen too. I have taken the same approach as you consistently rewarding behaviour we like (paws on the floor, taking himself to bed...
I've left mine alone for 5 and a half hours twice a week since I got him aged 6 months. I did worry about this a lot but he has always been fine...
Loki was about 26 - 27kg at that age so I think you're going to have a big dog there! I had him neutered at 10 months old which I think was too...