Our 6 month old eats full raw chicken legs, bones and all. As long as they are not cooked you should be fine.
One quote I read that was quite poignant was that spaying was more a benifit/ convenience to the owner rather than the dog (bitch). I wouldn't go...
Still growing at 3 months. From what I've read it's best waiting 'till their bones are fully developed. I've decided not to have our girl spayed...
What happens if you don't spay at all?. Is it really that bad if they aren't spayed and never have a litter?.
We think our pup is allergic to grass seed, she had a red eye and a week of hayfever meds cleared it up. They can also catch their eye with a...
Same as ours, she used to get them very often but calmed down by 5 months.
Our kids are 6 and 11 and raising our pup has been a challenge especially with my 6 year old. As said Labs do mouth and "bite" a lot when growing...
Our pup loves the paddling pool, probably a foot deep with water. She also loved the sea and rockpools but she hasn't decided to go in for a...
Our 5 month old Lab does this too with my seat!. As far as the sofa debate goes we took her in as part of the family so the sofa is fair game for...
Our puppy's raw fed, takes a bit of planning to start with but not bad when you get the hang of it.
Clickers seem a bit strange to me, like a remote control for your dog?. I know quite a few people with well trained dogs and have never seen a...
Our pup used to steal my gardening gloves and shoes at any opportunity, she's grown out of it now though. You need to give your pup a bit of...
Yep our 5 month old pup has lost a few now (found 3!), they dont take long to grow back.
Ours has eaten a couple too, interested in any comments.
We took ours to vets a while back with an ear infection, they gave us some drops that cleared it up within two weeks. Recently I was recommended...
Our 5 month old has "bitey" spells, normally once in the morning an once at night (15 mins worth). Quite annoying but it's a phase they all go...
Our pup was the same but luckily she grew out of it within a month, nownas soon as harness is on she sits by the front door ready for walkies!.
Really sorry for your loss.
Yep, when we are at home on walks I keep a beady eye out for other dogs before Honey spots them!. Hopefully as they get older they'll mellow a...
Thanks Pippa. Although she has reasonable recall we let her off the lead today on the beach (with plenty of dogs on) and she's just too friendly...