Honeys 15/16 weeks and 11.4kg, she was the smallest of the litter but making up for it now!.
I have massive respect for you Maverickmom. I have seen two dogs (same owner) that had been kept going for far too long with no quality of life...
Took the plunge and she behaved really well off lead!, just had to keep an eye out for other dogs and clip her lead on when we saw any. [IMG]...
Our Honey's 15 weeks, she is good on harness when walking, sits and waits when crossing roads etc. She loves meeting other dogs though, is 15...
Same here, we were very lucky with Honey as she was already used to sleeping in a crate and she was house trained. By 10 weeks she was sleeping...
Our Honey's a Fox Red, hard to take a picture but this is nearest what she looks like in real life. A few people have commented on how nice her...
He looks a good heathy dog!, our freinds Golden Retriever looks very similar weight and build. As you say people are used to seeing fat Labradors...
Ours has 2 meals and poos 3 or 4 times as well, always has done.
My friends Golden Retriever is alergic to chicken, took them a while and a few tests to find that out!. Our 14 week old lab has been on raw from...
Our Honey (14 weeks) sleeps on hers on a night 11 till 6. Sometimes she wanders off during the day and goes for a sleep in there!. It's her...
I take our 14 week old for walks and if anyone comes up I warn them that the may get a nip if they stroke her, ALL of them have been dog people...
Yep, shoes and gardening gloves seem to be irresistible!.
You can only do what you think is right, we always have toys on hand as well for her to chew on. She's very good with not snatching food out of...
I've let.our 13/14 week old nibble my fingers and to be fair you can feel where the back molars are trying to push through the gums. Really it's...
Good look Nala and get well soon xxx.
Sounds like your dog walker could be the only one to answer the question?.
We went for bedtime crate in the kitchen from word go, 3 weeks in our 13 week old will snooze on sofa till 10.30/11pm go out for toilet then she...
We have a rug down in the living room and our 13/14 week old girl does exactly the same (chewing the corner!) although she has got a lot better...
Our 13 week old has a "mad half hour" and she completley looses it and bites (not a full bite but painful enough!). We just try to put a toy/...
Thanks for the advice. She's been out a few times now and seen a fair few cars and people. We're in the midst of having fibre broadband laid in...