Hope it heals quickly.
I was thinking that he's got a smashing routine sorted for Crufts :D
Oh nooooo Paul, I'm so bummed for poor Garfield! That cat just can't catch a break. I know. But to cheer you up, there's photo and video of...
Getting aggressive and threatening to call the police was over the top, but I'd have been beyond pi**ed if someone had let their dog pester my dog...
Can we please have a wee video of Ginny purring @snowbunny? Pretty please?
Haha, poor little Paul hasn't quite mastered the "monorail". What a sweet little dog.
Poor pup, if it's not one thing it's another. Hope the tail recovers quickly.
That sounds like a massive win, especially given what you've said in the past about Coco and cats!
I honestly think that Serial season 1 is the best place to start - there's a good reason why it took the podcast world by storm. Might have to...
I didn't stick with Casefile either. Maybe non-Antipodeans can't tell, but the host's voice is super bogan and I just couldn't take it seriously....
Oh swampy, I'm so very sorry to hear this. Moo was a one of a kind, and she'll live on in your stories. You've written a beautiful eulogy for...
I don't have any advice or suggestions, just sending you online love and support. Poor Moo, she must be feeling rotten.
You're right about it being sad/happy - poor Ayla, I hate that stories like hers are so common. Lucky for her she's got a second chance at a...
I sometimes attend a weekday morning "group walk" at a local beach - I only attend because it's mid-week so we're usually a small group. Xena...
I hate Harry and Ron pretty much equally, but I really don't like Molly. I look at her as someone who's raised her kids in a toxic environment....
The puppy teeth are probably going to feel a whole lot more sinister in 3 weeks time, so give your son plenty of warning. If he's not bothered by...
I'm sorry to hear that Moo's a bit (very) leaky, @SwampDonkey, it's a lot to cope with.
I'm glad to hear that he doesn't need stitches and that it should clear quickly on its own...but...godspeed with the eye-drops *salutes* I've...
Well done Harley! I'm smiling at her kissing the judge, what a goof.
There are so many great female characters in the Harry Potter universe (apart from Molly Weasley, I hate her so much!). Ginny would be great....