She's just turned two, still young and silly.
No more UTI and small improvements are great news!
Oh I really hope it's nothing, Lucy. Dogs can be peculiar, but I'd be worried too if it came out of nowhere. Do let us know what the vet says?
I saw that :) It's always nice to see another Kiwi on the forum.
I think we're all wondering why Chi has ended up back in Spain, but are just too polite to ask outright :D
I met the cutest, bestest little dog on my walk this morning - a Shih Tzu/Griffon and it was AMAZING. Looked like a little ewok :inlove:
That is a beautiful photo and your dad will love it :) And don't black dogs just look amazing in purple?! I need to buy some purple kit for the...
Dobby! What was the name of the female house elf, she was...what's his name...Barty Crouch's elf? Had to google, WINKY. She would be a perfect...
Hooded litter boxes with cat flaps are a thing, and my cats used to have one (and used it easily) but they would constantly poo on the sides, it...
I'm sorry that it didn't work out for her with your sister, but she fits in beautifully with your pack :) You know, I like Chi. Not Conchita,...
Wow Lara, you've mentioned The Pig's penchant for tissues, but an entire toilet roll is quite the achievement! Robyn, when Xena ate something...
All that rolling and splashing and shaking was a joy to watch, he's so so happy! I'm so sorry to hear about your job situation, and I hope that...
I'm very happy to hear that the reduced dosage is showing you an improvement. She's a beautiful dog.
How lucky was that little girl, both for being found so quickly (and unharmed) and that her dog stayed with her through the night. What an...
Knowing that Messi's been matched with a family must help though? And you're helping the dogs that you can, one dog at a time. You've fostered...
And if your dog doesn't like the water, well, that's ok. As much as Xena loves the hose, she won't swim - a civilised splash in the shallows is as...
Looks like every owner of a black dog has had the "my dog doesn't like black dogs because..." encounter at least once. I appreciate it when I'm...
His tail is just so HAPPY. What a boy. I could hear the thump thump thump, and my sound was right down. I really hope you get to the bottom of...
My phone is a hot piece of garbage, so I always use a small digital camera. It's good enough for my needs, but I wish I had a good camera phone...
I tried to take Mag's advice and shoot with the dog looking into the sun...I need a little more practice. We were out and about early this Sunday...