How lovely, welcome Bailey! If you've got any photos we'd love to see them ;) I'm so glad that your search worked out so well!
Oh Frodo, so handsome! Welcome from me and Xena in NZ. A service Labrador in NZ recently saved a young boy from drowning - the dog was at the...
Naaaaw what a little sweetheart :inlove:
I've been exceptionally lucky with Xena, she's been an easy dog (apart from her love of cat poo). She definitely got a lot "sniffier" from 8...
Gosh, everything's bigger in Australia, including the "logs" ha ha.
Crikey, that is a lot of pee. 15-20 mins at 4 months doesn't sound normal to me, especially with what I've read on here, so it's good that you're...
Xena, at least, grew out of those behaviours, although she still chews on sticks like she's a beaver. She didn't have free range access to our...
I'm so sorry, what a rotten time for Poppy and Merlin. You must be so worried, but it sounds like you're doing everything you can for them.
What a huge relief :)
I just googled the hadeda and then listened to a clip of the squawking :eek: They must drive you mad! Are they really "the loudest bird in...
An 18 week old in a kennel isn't ideal, but it'll depend on the kennel. A better option would be a pet sitter in your home for a week. They...
They're completely harmless but are the stuff of nightmares for *almost* every single Kiwi. I've just scared myself by googling them, and...
It sounds like your school grounds are as safe as they could be! But I'd check with your vet about the risk from the foxes first. Some schools...
I won't embed a photo because they're the stuff of nightmares, but we've got weta. Just typing that gave me the shudders. We get the odd native...
Happy Birthday fellow April pupster! Sounds like a brilliant day out - her favourite people, a messy flat, AND a pancake!
I would take it very, very gently. Lots of treats for being around all the puppies. No forcing him to interact with them. If he seems...
So many April puppies on the forum! Happy Birthday Joy!
Oh congratulations @Lara! I actually think it'll be a breeze, The Pig has prepared you well.
Are you sure that people don't walk their dogs up there after hours? I take Xena up to the local school for a nightly stomp about 4 times per week.
Xena's 2 now and it's always a bit of a fiasco when somebody approaches with two dogs. She's quite civilised with one, but she gets all silly...