Re: Meet my Hooligan Hi Michael, A very belated welcome from me, Alfie (9 Bernese) Harry (1.5 springer/pointer) and Charlie 7 month lab x cocker....
Re: Always ill- is this normal?!? Ah bless him! That's awful. Well, you know what it is now, so can get on treating it. Hope he recovers soon. x
Re: Hello from Oscar! Hello! And welcome. This is a fabulous place to come for advice, and a natter. We have Alfie a bernese 9, Harry a springer...
Re: New furry chicken Nice chicken. Don't eat the eggs. ???
Re: Always ill- is this normal?!? Hope it went okay for you and Murphy this morning. They're like kids, sometimes it seems you're never away from...
Re: Posting a photo: method 1 Ah Helen, she's gorgeous. What a beautiful girl.
Re: Feed me. Feed me now! We use Burgess puppy, and then onto burgess active for working dogs (so no vat). Never had any problems with either....
Re: Safe to read....good news update!!! Only just catching up on Dexters adventures. I'm so pleased he's on the mend now. It's such a worrying...
Re: The appointment is made..... Yeah! Seriously. It's probably been a quiff that fell forward. I'm not known for my hairsdressing skills, it...
Re: The appointment is made..... Aw, thank you. He'd be a right diva if he knew how admired he was! See Dexter, you'll have a shorter tail...
Re: The appointment is made..... And I don't know why he looks so upset coz this pic is dated a fortnight later - business as usual! Can't see a...
Re: The appointment is made..... Okay, just for you. :) This was taken a year ago, a couple of days after his 'op'. But the title of the pic is...
Re: The appointment is made..... Ah, this is why Dexter is so lucky you're his mum. You worry coz you care so much. He'll be fine. You'll most...
Re: The disgusting story of a Small Black Dog with an extra tail! OH was reading this thread last night (reminds me I ought to ease up on the...
Re: The disgusting story of a Small Black Dog with an extra tail! Not funny... ;D ;D ;D Bless her. Cling ons are a VERY strong reason it seems...
Re: Stolen wham bar! Messin' with a hormonal woman. The dog has no idea.... Maybe she doesn't undertsand 'pregnant', and she just thinks you're...
Re: Sofa question! Welcome to the dark side Charlie.... Welcome to sitting in the floor Julie! ;D And Angela, I swear Dexter IS actually...
Re: Why is dog training........ This is really interesting. Ours are trained seperately in short sessions to give them one to one time, just as...
Well, that's it. She officially not a puppy anymore. The play pen came down this weekend. The living room is back to how it usually is. I have to...
Re: so sad, jacks been naughty now not sure if we should have got him :( Just catching up on this thread, sorry to hear you've been having...