Re: New puppy has been home for a week. Hiya Keith and Katie, and Chester pup. We have Harry a springer, wirehaired pointer cross 1.5yrs. Alfie a...
Re: Furminator vs mikkimoult tools! That's about a half hour session, and he's still thick and well covered aferwards. It's the greyish fluffy...
Re: Advice on Alfie - old age He's a happy chap, that's for sure! He has a lovely smile. :) He's my life, he really is. He's such a gorgeous boy. x
Re: Sheep Skin Rugs Cot duvets are a good size. Asda do a 'value' one. And I get covers from car boot sales. Or a normal value duvet is about £6....
Re: Furminator vs mikkimoult tools! You get no sympathy from this corner. Here's the result of Alfies last 'furminator' session..The wild birds...
Re: happy days Its lovely when all your hard work begins to pay off, and you've got a well mannered dog that's a pleasure to be around for you...
Re: Advice on Alfie - old age Sorry Karen, missed your last post there as I was wrestling with photobucket on another screen! It is lovely to...
Re: Advice on Alfie - old age Karen, that's all fantastic advice thank you. Sorry it made you sad though. No matter what I'm doing, if I think of...
Re: Ziggy on the beach My teacher once said there's no such thing as a silly question. She also said theories are there to be tested.. Hey, I've...
Re: Advice on Alfie - old age Did actually get him an orthopedic (sp) mattress, but he prefers an old futon mattress he's had for years. He did...
Re: Ziggy on the beach Aw, gorgeous. I love their colouring. Right gonna sound stupid here, can the sun damage their noses? With them being such...
Re: Hello from puzzle and me Ooooh! How have I missed such stunning doggy pics? Been away from the forum for a few days, and what a lovely catch...
Re: Final Countdown You are so happy! And rightly so. It's lovely to here your enjoying the puppy days, they're gone so fast honestly. Enjoy, and...
Re: Ziggy on the beach You know, when I've not been on here for a couple of days, one of the first things I do is a 'ziggy' search. And I am...
Re: Really? Ah Dexter! You're stunning. And if you're a pitbull, then Harry is a mexican hairless....
Re: Barley got vets tonight What about a supermarket brand of piriton? Check the boxes, but they'll be the exact same ingredients I would have...
Re: 2nd Jab!... Oh Paige, he's an absolute stunner! You'r going to be stopped by people every ten paces with that super star in tow!