Re: Crate location Yes, I think I'm coming to that conclusion too - crate in the utility room for real rest time but in amongst the action at...
Re: Crate location Thank you, I guess we will have to be flexible and see what works best - our house isn't exactly huge so the utility room...
Re: Crate location If only I could get my cat to actually use a litter tray - I woke up this morning and put a wet fluffy sock on!! OK, I feel...
Can anybody recommend the best place for puppy's crate please? I had initially thought our utility room would be the puppy's room. It's not huge...
Re: Which puppy for us?! Thanks all! The puppy has a new home now so I don't even have to wonder about him :) The little boy I look after is...
Re: Hello! Ahh, she's very pretty!
Re: Which puppy for us?! Thanks Stacia, I've told her to let me know if they can't find a home but today I'm very relieved I wasn't too tempted!...
Re: Which puppy for us?! That's my instinct Jane!
Re: Which puppy for us?! I had a phone call today from a friend, the family her friend nannies for have a chocolate labrador puppy but the little...
Re: Which puppy for us?! Lovely Inca ;D I'm literally dreaming about dogs every night now, it's driving me a little crazy! Perhaps I should read...
Re: Which puppy for us?! Jen, your post reminded me (in a round-a-bout sort of way!) of something which happened when we were briefly living at...
Re: Which puppy for us?! I think that sounds like a good plan Jane, much as it saddens me to pass on what sound like wonderful puppies on paper!...
Re: Which puppy for us?! Thank you for all your replies and welcomes, much appreciated :D It must be 6 years since our GSDs passed and another...
Hi everyone, this is my first time posting but I've been reading like a woman possessed for a while now! We are a family with 4 young children...