We live rurally too and Bessie's a nut when we go into town. All the people to jump at (I mean greet), the pigeons, putting her paws up on store...
I just bought "Social, Civil, & Savvy" and I'm not even going to try to get the author's name right. I'm still reading it, but its focus is...
Thanks. I guess that is really my question: given that I have no idea what this really means in terms of how she acted with the dog, what's my...
Sounds very normal to me. There are such ranges for some of this stuff, depending on the dog. At 11 months, Bessie is still a hyper thing when...
She didn't give me either of those details. I was so shocked I didn't think to ask.
Yes, I'm not sure I understand either. I have a small house with only 2 rooms on the main floor and the dogs aren't allowed upstairs, but there's...
I'm mortified. Bessie is 11 months old. I left her with my housesitter for a week. Housesitter has an older (11yo?) mix. Burke and the older dog...
Same, shampoo only for smelly stuff (here, skunkings require a full dousing with skunk enzyme shampoo/remover and/or peroxide and dish soap which...
All of a sudden Bessie's sleeping in! I'm not sure why, but not questioning! I had my older guy wanting to go out before she did in the morning....
I let my puppy out around 7:30 (sometimes earlier if she really has to go and whines) and then on the weekends or on off days we go back for sure!...
And then he just got up from a dead sleep, barked, jumped off the bed to bark some more, because my STOMACH growled. :rolleyes: Baby steps. It's...
I'm glad to hear you've had success with Charlie. Your dogs are both gorgeous, and I have met some incredible labradoodles, such gentle and loving...
Thanks, all. Because my 7yo labradoodle had major issues from early on, it's been a long time since I've felt successful. Around this age, he was...
Bessie's just a few days shy of 11 months old and I haven't been on the forums much because life has been busy, and a lot of the puppy stuff has...
Great update!
A couple months later she still does it, though maybe a little less often.
She is extremely vocal at other times as well, and howl/whine/cries about a lot of things. And makes low-pitched rhythmic not-quite-a-growl at...
Bessie still loves to cry when she can't quite settle down to sleep. Like an overstimulated toddler of the human variety. She'll mouth a toy and...
I get the back-of-leg bump from Bessie too. Usually an attention-getting thing for sure, it seems. Yup, you've described it. It's not just...
Oh and jumping high enough - yes. She's a jumper. She will choose to jump from my four-foot high porch to the ground, OVER the steps. Leap is more...